Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Now That's Journalism!

Found this in my inbox this morning. I love this idea! Finally, we're using all the technology that allows us to be heard all over the world to talk to each other!


Dear GroundReporters,

A week ago we launched Talk To US, a groundbreaking citizen journalism segment on TV news program Worldfocus.

Every month Talk To US asks the global community a different question about the news, and citizen journalists like you upload video responses across the globe. The best video responses are aired live as part of Worldfocus.

The first question is "What's your advice for President Barack Obama?"

Respond now by uploading your video to GroundReport.com.

We know that this is an incredible opportunity: your message could be broadcast on air to television sets across America. But we also know that this kind of great, sophisticated video takes work.

That's why for this question, the first 100 video responses will each receive a $5 USD bounty for their hard work. To qualify, you must meet the following guidelines:

1. You must live outside the United States and be a non-US citizen.

2. Your video must be 1:00 (one minute) or less in length.

3. Your video resolution must be good enough for TV.

4. You may submit multiple entries, but we will only distribute one bounty per reporter.

5. You must submit by February 15, 2009.

6. All videos published through GroundReport are automatically entered.

The deadline is soon, so get going! Login and upload your video to GroundReport today.

At worst, you'll make $5, and at best, you'll be on TV. It's a pretty good deal.

GroundReport has a history of supporting compelling citizen journalism by compensating our reporters for their hard work. We hope to see more incredible stories come from this initiative.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

great idea-- wish I could participate:-)