Monday, February 8, 2010

Decision Postponed

Through no fault of ours. Mellifer, as I've been calling her for the past hour, or Clarisse, as KB seems to be leaning toward, or Big Sweet Thing, the abandoned dog who has been languishing in the local shelter for the past two months, is still there.

We tried. I called, but the line was busy. I emailed but got no response. They're busy, I know. So we decided to take a chance, just ride on over and hope we could find someone.

The shelter is on the grounds of the town transfer station. There's a big gate halfway up the drive, so no way to get close if that gate is locked.

It was.

The transfer station is closed on Monday. So we must wait to see her again, to see if she likes us, if KB wants her, too.

I have jury duty on Tuesdays, so that's out. But Wednesday! I'll be there.
We'll all chat about it, BlarneyStone, KB and I, and see if we think we'd be a good fit. And if KB and Regina/Maxine/TubeSock/PunkinHead/Sophie/CutiePie agree, we'll probably be out that night gathering supplies, preparing the three cats who don't suspect what cruel joke we're about to play on them. And arranging a date for her arrival.

Unless we all look at each other, shrug and say, "Eh. Not so much."

Odds of that? Slim to none.


Tess Kincaid said...

She belongs with you.

ArtSparker said...

I will be checking back on Tuesday.

Malinda said...

I'm betting on Mellifer. Move over cats.